

To Be Able To Do


To Be Ready, To Be Made

Word Type

intransitive verb, ichidan verb


When you exit and come, apparently it means to be able to do. I think of it like you're leaving a location () to do a task and then you come (来る) back after you did it. Perhaps you were waiting in a room training like someone from Dragonball. When you leave the room, you are ready to fight the enemy and win. You train in that room to be able to do whatever you need to do, and only leave and come back alive because you were able to do it.

This verb is really common and it has a wide range of meanings. It can also mean things like to be ready, for example a meal, and to be made, for example when saying what something is made from. It's commonly written in hiragana, but you'll see the kanji version too!


  • Kyoko
    (Tokyo accent, female)
  • Kenichi
    (Tokyo accent, male)


The readings are a bit strange. They're both kun'yomi readings, where is and 来る is きる. This is different from the reading you originally learned with 来る (くる), though, so be careful. If you can remember that and remember the kun'yomi readings from the previous vocab, you should be able to learn this one's reading as well.


Patterns of Use

Common Word Combinations

  • 見ることが出来る

    to be able to see


    to be able to play sports, to be skilled at sports


    to be pregnant

Context Sentences


I was finally able to pass JLPT N1.


Dinner's ready!


Mochi are made from rice.

Kanji Composition