To Have
To Exist
intransitive verb, godan verb
This word consists of kanji with hiragana attached. Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means have and so the verb version means to have. An alternative meaning is to exist, though this refers only to non-living inanimate things, not moving and living things.
The kanji isn't used too often for this word, so just use the kana when you write it. But you'll see the kanji used sometimes, so it's important to be able to recognize it!
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun'yomi reading. You didn't learn that reading with this kanji, so here's a mnemonic to help you:
To have something is very nice. But now, the only thing you possess are screams. Imagine this. You are in a totally empty room with no possessions. You open a little box and look inside. It contains screams that yell: "AAAAHHHH" (あ).
to have money
to have a need, there is a need
to have a car
We still have a little mayonnaise.
Do you have money for university enrollment?
Right now we only have one car.