To Send Something
To Escort Someone
transitive verb, godan verb
This word consists of kanji with hiragana attached. Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means send, and the the vocab verb version is to send something. If the object of this verb is a person, it means "to send" in the sense of to escort someone, maybe to the station, or to the door.
Since this word consists of a kanji with hiragana attached, you can bet that it will use the kun'yomi reading. You didn't learn that reading with this kanji, so here's a mnemonic to help you:
You need to send an entire oak (おく) tree in the mail, but it's too big. Imagine yourself dragging one to the post office. They tell you that you can't send that here... Go to the oak sending facilities.
At the end of every year, I send a handmade postcard to my friends.
I'll send you the video from earlier via LINE.
Let’s call it a day. I’ll walk you home.