To Be Returned
To Return, To Come Back
intransitive verb, godan verb
You hopefully know the word 返す, which means "to return" (as in, you're doing the direct action of returning something). This word, on the other hand, is the version where something just returns (and you're not doing the action of returning it). Use the る to help you to remember this. る the Kangaroo is returned to you. You don't do any of the returning, it just happens or someone else does it. That's why this word means to be returned.
Note this word is often combined with くる (to come), which reinforces the aspect that something is coming back to you.
The reading is the same as 返す, so as long as you know that you'll be able to apply it here to learn the reading of this word as well.
to return to one’s original intention
to return to the earth
to be oneself again, to have one's actions come back to oneself
an email comes back
money is returned
an answer comes back
I'll be at the office until an email comes back.
The ball that I threw came back to me with the wind.
Thinking my money would be returned properly was a huge mistake.