To Set
To Set Up
する verb
What do you establish and determine in your every day life? A setting. When you make that into a verb, you have the word to set, as in setting the temperature of the AC, setting your password, or setting your computer to dark mode.
設定する is a little formal, but does get commonly used for device, system, and game settings. It's also often used in more official contexts, like for setting prices for products or establishing project goals.
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on'yomi readings from the kanji. If you know the readings of your kanji you'll know how to read this as well. Careful because the 設 gets shortened to せっ.
I set up a new business mail account in Google for you.
What temperature do you usually set your air conditioner to?
I have to set up two-factor authentications with all the accounts I have by the end of day or I'll get fired.