Abdomen, Stomach
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
If anyone tries to touch your belly, that's harassment (はら). Unless you're cool with it, obviously. But if you're not, make sure to yell "harassment!" when they touch your belly. You should also shout what kind of harassment it is: 腹ハラ (腹 harassment).
Note: This word will often get rendaku'd when it's combined with other vocab, like in ビールばら (beer belly) or 別ばら (separate stomach for dessert).
You are getting a little fat around the belly, aren’t you?
Ms. Shimazaki was holding her belly with laughter.
These days, I have been bothered by my beer belly, so I finally decided to go on a diet.
I've been experiencing stomach pain for quite some time now.