To Stream
To Flow
intransitive verb, ichidan verb
This word consists of kanji with hiragana attached. Because the hiragana ends with an う sound, you know this word is a verb. The kanji itself means stream? It's to stream (though it's also to flow, a very similar word). You can differentiate this from 流す because with 流す you flush something down the toilet, which causes it to overflow so you sue (す) the toilet maker. With 流れる you find a rare (れる) jewel trying to flow down the river. You grab it, and see it's a rare diamond!
The reading is the same as 流す. So long as you know that you should be able to read this one as well!
The water flowing in the nearby river was very clean.
There, time flowed slowly.
I was surprised when my favorite heavy metal song started playing from her speakers.