Crafts, Maneuvering
noun, verbal noun
What is the "industry of make"? Well, it's when you industriously make things, obviously. That can only be handicraft or crafts, often referring to craft activities or hands-on projects done in elementary or middle school!
But wait, 工作 isn't just about glue and popsicle sticks! It can also mean maneuvering, in the sense of pulling strings behind the scenes. So, whether you're crafting a masterpiece or scheming a clever plan, 工作 encompasses the wonders of crafting!
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on'yomi readings from the kanji. Since 作 has two on'yomi readings, here's a mnemonic to help you remember which one to use:
Your favorite handicraft is making こういち sacks (さく). They're sacks that look exactly like こういち, and you're incredibly good at making them. Soon, the Tofugu offices will be decorated all over with your こういち sacks.
I'm not good at crafts.
My father built a whole kitchen from a craft kit.
The teacher crafted an alibi that he was in the bar last evening.