Scarce, Not Much, Not Many
い adjective
This word has a single kanji with hiragana attached, ending in a い. This means you know it's an adjective. What is the adjective form of few? It's also few.
The reading for this one is fairly difficult, as it's the kun'yomi reading (you can tell it's kun'yomi because of all the hiragana attached). You have to remember the すく part to remember the reading of this word. Think of it this way:
You have a few of something. This something is suckers (すく). Imagine putting all (three-ish) of them in your mouth at once. How does it taste? Can you taste the flavors from each of the few?
There are few Caucasians and Asians in this area.
Let's cherish the toilet paper as there's not much left.
It's not a bad thing to have few friends.