Mt Fuji
Mount Fuji
Did you know that the mountain that is rich in samurai happens to be Japan's most famous mountain? It makes sense considering samurai are probably Japan's most famous thing as well. Combine the two most famous things and you have Mt Fuji (or Mount Fuji if you'd rather write it that way).
This is a jukugo word that uses the on'yomi readings of the kanji. You should be able to read this on your own.
コウイチ:明日富士山に登るなんて、もう気が狂っちゃいそうだよ。 ビエト:分かる分かる。俺もめちゃくちゃ不安。
Koichi: I am getting freaked out about climbing Mt. Fuji tomorrow. Viet: I know, I know. It’s freaking me out too.