In Japanese, さ on the end of a word is often the equivalent of "-ness" in English. In other words, if you replace the い on the end of an い-adjective with さ, you have a noun. In this case, the adjective is 大きい (big) and the noun 大きさ means "bigness", aka size.
When a vocab has okurigana (hiragana attached to the kanji) it is probably going to be the kun'yomi reading. Since you learned the on'yomi reading with the kanji 大, we'll have to use a mnemonic to remember this word.
When you saw the size of (pick something surprising), you said "おお*#$@!" Really imagine something surprising. Say the おお part out loud, as well. Think about the size of whatever you're looking at, too, and how big it is.
the size of the bed
the size of the suitcase
the size of the USA
These sandals are size 28 cm.
What surprised me about the United States? The size of the drinks.
This chest freezer is big enough for two people or so.