Foreign Person
You know 外人 the word that means "foreigner," but that word is a bit informal and can come off as rude. The nicer, more politically correct version of the word is the one above. An outside country person. To differentiate this from "foreigner" we're going to use the more polite English version of this word as well (just like in Japanese): Foreign Person.
This is a jukugo word, which usually means on'yomi readings from the kanji. Since 人 has two on'yomi readings, here's a mnemonic to help you remember which one to use:
Remember how to spot a foreigner? That's right, they'll be in jeans (じん)!
My foreign friends are coming to Japan in June.
There were many foreigners at the entrance of the bar.
Dad, if you go abroad, you become a foreigner too.