Tea House, Coffee Shop, Coffee House
If you consume tea in a shop, it could either be a cafe, a tea house, or slightly confusingly, a coffee shop. Welcome! Sit down. Relax. Have some tea (or coffee).
This word often refers to cafes with a retro feel to them, though they can be modern too. These places usually serve a variety of drinks and light meals.
The readings are what you'd expect except for きつ getting shortened to きっ and 茶, which has this strange さ reading. To remember that it's さ instead of ちゃ, think of this tea house you're going in. You think it's nice and pleasant, and it is for a while... until someone starts working a saw (さ) outside, ruining the atmosphere. BEWWEEEEHHHEEEHHHHHE gatatatatatat BWEEEHEEE.
I enjoy having the breakfast special at a cafe.
The staff at this coffee shop are always smiling.
A stylish coffee shop has opened in our neighborhood.