Voice Box
The body part that lives between your throat and your head is your larynx. Otherwise known as the voice box, because your vocal cords live in there.
This is a jukugo word that uses the on'yomi readings of the kanji. You haven't learned this reading for 頭 yet, so here's a mnemonic to help you:
If you really want to get a larynx work out, go to とうきょう. It's loud, it's crowded, and you have to yell the entire time to get people to hear what you have to say. You also know 18 levels of kanji and you really want to shout them all out, which makes your voice box tired (but makes you happy).
That man is an otolaryngologist.
Laryngeal cancer is often caused by alcohol and tobacco.
He underwent laryngeal surgery, but lost his voice and was given an artificial larynx.