To Intersect
To Cross, To Mingle
intransitive verb, godan verb
You know that the kanji means mix and the word 交ぜる means "to mix," so it probably has something to do with that. This word means to intersect, which is kind of like mixing. When two things intersect with each other, they're getting mixed up, so that's where this word gets its meaning.
To remember that this one means "to intersect," remember the わ as walk. You're walking around, and then you intersect with some people on the street.
The reading is almost the same as 交ぜる which you should be familiar with by now. It has the ま but it also has an extra じ in there. That じ is there because you intersect with a group of mages (まじ) that catch you on fire as you walk past.
I'm not good at mingling with various people at parties.
The two roads intersect and become one road here.
Tofugu is a company where American and Japanese culture mingle.