Matter, Occurrence
The kanji and the word are exactly the same. That means they share meanings as well.
As a vocab word on its own, 事 usually refers to an intangible or abstract thing, like いい事 (good thing) or する事 (things to do).
Depending on the context, it can also mean matter or occurrence, like 大切な事 (important matter) or きのうの事 (what happened yesterday).
Since this word is made up of a single kanji, it should use the kun'yomi reading. You haven't learned that reading yet, so here's a mnemonic to help you out:
You've done all kinds of things in your coat (こと). If you think about it, you only wear a coat when you have things to do. Try to remember all the things you've done in a coat. It's a lot! Symbolically, your coat = all the things and occurrences you've experienced, and all the matters you've had to deal with in life.
thing to do
thing to do
Shall we talk about the matter later?
I only understood half of what the teacher was saying.
I go to work by car more often than I walk.