2,000 kanji.
6,000 vocabulary words.
In just over a year.

From Japanese residents to self learners, our members learn to read Japanese quickly

What makes the WaniKani method effective?

  • Mnemonics

    WaniKani has mnemonics to teach you every single radical, kanji, and vocabulary word on the site. Waste less time, memorize and recall way more.

  • Radicals

    Radicals are building blocks for learning kanji. You’ll use them to create kanji (forget about individual strokes) and make mnemonics that allow you to memorize a kanji in seconds, not days or weeks.

  • Kanji

    Learn over 2,000 kanji, hand-picked and cleverly ordered, so you can learn the kanji meanings and readings more efficiently. A Japanese schoolchild will spend eight years doing what you can do in a year and a half.

  • Vocabulary

    Kanji is great, but it’s not very useful without vocabulary. Learn over 6,000 Japanese words, all carefully validated by a human to be common or useful.

  • Lessons & Reviews

    Radicals, kanji, and vocabulary are taught to you through lessons using mnemonics. Practice learned items via reviews until recalling them is second nature.

  • Spaced Repetition System

    WaniKani is more than just flashcards. Our SRS algorithm adjusts time between reviews for each individual item, calculated by your last session. You will see a radical, kanji, or vocabulary in your reviews at the optimal time for you, not anybody else.

How many kanji can you learn this month? Try WaniKani for free.